The Right Time

When is the right time? Is it ever? Is it ever not?

How do you stop the thoughts, you don’t, you channel them.

It’s freeing. You should try it. It will release you. It will make you stronger. Vulnerability is such a drug.

Being vulnerable takes more courage than any other emotion in life. It is not you against the world, that’s a depressing notion of hopelessness, excuses, and pity. Get that cancerous energy out of your mind. It is you against you. You determine the pace, you determine the actions, you determine your attitude.

Are you ready for change? Are you ready for integrity, freedom, and happiness? Are you ready for growth? I am. Ill lead me, you lead you. Maybe we cross paths, maybe we dont. Either way, Ill become a better me.

Lead, follow, learn just get your negativity out of my way.

Happy Medium

Check out this post by Seth Godin -

Where are you speeding through where you should take more time? That’s my daily question. However, he brings up an interesting parallel, where are you too slow, heavy, and controlling?

It’s ok to make a swift impact, spur the thought of change, and then see how the ripple effect plays out. I see this daily as a leader – inspire your followers don’t boss them.

Reality Check.

Seth Godin strikes again.

Sometimes you don’t need a budget

Most of the time, people don’t want a refund or a bonus. What they really want is for you to hear them and to do the right thing. What if every manager and every customer contact in your organization bought into that?

Here are some things you can do that don’t cost any money (but they certainly require effort):

Treat your employees with care and respect

Be consistent in your actions

Keep your promises

Grant others their dignity

Give credit

Take responsibility

When wrong, offer a heartfelt apology

Don’t be a jerk

Take the time to actually listen to people

Volunteer to handle the issue


 – Seth Godin, 3/13/2014


Time to Think…

Been a little while since I have posted… quality over quantity.

I do not break down, I do not quit, I do not loose.

I broke down, quit, and lost.

It happens. How you change, grow, and take on the next challenge is what makes the difference. Not the plaque on the wall or medal around your neck.

Stop checking the boxes and start smashing them.

I have always said I am the minority, I am the 1%. Sometimes it is a little harder to swim up stream than to float down the river with the rest of them, but the payoff is definitely worth every once of energy and fight.

What’s Your Passion?

This could easily be a 2000 word manifesto on what drives us and how we identify our “passion.” In all aspects of life, it seems to be one of those buzz words… “Just follow your passion,” but really how do we know. What is MY passion?

I am a firm believer that our passions vary based on our many roles. I guarantee your professional passion is a bit different from what you consider it as a parent, partner, and friend.

So how do we know… what is it that motivates us, fills us up?

I don’t have the golden ticket, but Simon Sinek of “Start With Why” is damn close.

Early this week he posted a blog just one sentence long: “Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress; working hard for something we love is called passion.

In the words of my hilarious friend; #boom

Ask yourself, are you stressed or in love?

#19 – #humpday

I rang in 2014 with close friends and fun times. However, Geico had a different plan. A genius plan.

We all remember the “Mike, mike, mike, what day is it… Hump Day!” commercial that went viral in minutes and is now a common salutation for any Wednesday.

New Year’s Day 2014 landed conviently, for Geico, on a Wednesday aka Hump Day. SO how to they capitalize? Sponsor the New Year’s Eve countdown on multiple major networks such as ABC, NBC, and Fox and add a simple hashtag to keep the conversations all about them… and voila #humpday is born.

These are the types of details that we sometimes quickly oversee when we focus solely on checking the box and not the long term effects of our projects. Just SHIP IT is definitely my motto, BUT before shipping even becomes an option the project better have more than a one and done purpose and more longevity than that brown banana you through in your lunchbox this morning.

Thank you Geico for reminding us to slow down and take the blinders off. The next time you are running full force and head down on a project ask yourself, “Is this the next #humpday?” If the answer is not, why?

#18 – The Agitator

“The Agitator.” That was a nickname given to me recently by a very respected friend and mentor. At first I questioned the meaning and how it related to me, I am not an “agitator”… I am not a Maytag washing machine, I don’t stir stuff up…Oh wait, I sure do and am darn proud of the fact.

Taking a step back and looking at the definition of agitate I found that this nickname may just be the perfect fit after all. According to my handy Dictionary app, agitate means “to force into irregular action, to move to and fro, to disturb or excite emotionally, to consider on all sides, revolve in the mind.”

In order to change the world for the better, improve relationships, coaching, leading, and ultimately the success of a business we have to be constantly “agitating.” Never settling for the status quo, always stirring the calm with questions like “How can we get better?” and “What can I do differently today to teach and lead instead of command and direct?”

Armed with the power to challenge, stir, and change, I join an elite group of Thought Leaders (you know, like the Avengers, only we don’t fly and carry a big hammer…well most of the time) in an effort to never stop learning, coaching, and communicating.  Here’s to 2014.